Ireland went to Sydney's (her friend & soccer team mate) Birthday party last weekend and she was told to dress up how Hannah Montana would. Now, she is not one for dressing up- she is a self professed tom-boy, so her getting all dolled up doesn't happen all that often. But on this day they were taking a limo to see the Hannah Montana movie and to get ice cream- she said that she felt like someone famous for a day, and that it was "kind of" fun to dress a little different than how she normally would.
So back to the picture- on the way to the party, I snapped this real quick- when I looked at it later that day, I couldn't believe how grown up she looked in it. Time is going by so quickly and it seems like she gets more and more mature every day. This year Rich and I will celebrate our 12th anniversary and those 12 years have flown by and it scares me to think that in another 12 years Ireland will be in her twenties....holy cow!! I guess I just have to do my best and try to cherish everyday and treasure the moments when she acts like my sweet, little girl. I try my best to not treat her like she is older than she is, but with her being the oldest and the fact that she is wise beyond her years, sometimes it is easy to forget that she is only 10- my sweet, little Peanut, I wish she would stop growing up so fast =o)
Holy crap! Look how gorgeous she is! Love that kid. Tell her aunt Mimi says she is beautiful!!! I don't even want to think about what the future hold for you w/ this little hottie!
She is beautiful!!! Ireland will always be one of your little girls no matter how old she is. I hope all is going well for you. I heard Richard hasn't been feeling well, let him know we are thinking of him and hope that he is feeling better soon. =)
My first grand baby is so incredibly beautiful! But from the looks of that photo she is no longer a baby! Please, Ireland stop growing up for awhile! At least wait until I get down there to see every second of it!! I love you with all my heart. Gramma Lori
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