This is such a funny story.....my sweet little boy, Kaston, is so smart and is usually saying such big words for a little kid and he actually uses them correctly, with the exception to the other day.
I am going to take the long way around to tell what happened.
At the beginning of the summer I really wanted to get one of those little, cheapy, blow up pools so the kids could stay cool during the hot Texas summer. So we decided to go to Toys-R-Us to see if they had any. To our surprise they had a 12 ft x 3ft frame pool with a pump on clearance, it was originally $170 but it was marked down to $49.99, plus we had a ten dollar gift card. What an awesome purchase, it has been so much fun for the kids (and for me). The only thing is that it requires maintenance, chlorine, algae killer, etc. It does take some work for it to remain clean, so every weekend Rich takes care of the pool, he adds the chemicals to the water and then the kids have to wait a half hour until they can swim.
Well, on this particular day, Rich did the usual cleaning of the pool, the kids waited, and then.....time to swim YAY!! I got the kids all sunscreened up, made sure everyone had their goggles, towels, and swim toys. They finally got in the pool, which is 5 feet from our back door, I went inside and was only in for a few minutes before Kaston was knocking at the door frantically. I hurried to get to it, thinking "oops, I forgot to make them go potty before swimming, he probably has to pee." When I opened the door, Kaston had such a stressed look on his face, so I asked him what was wrong?? he answered.........
"Mom! Dad put the testicles in the pool and it is still dirty!!"
I tried to keep as straight a face as I could, and told him to wait a little bit for the "chemicals" to work. He now says it correctly, but I have to admit, I am so happy he didn't get it right the first time, I will always remember this and I will laugh everytime I think about it. Kids really do say the darndest things. :o)